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Sizes are based on largest dimension.
Shipping, crating charges will be added.

Crinoid Plate 180 MYA 45.5"Hx 23.5"x 1.75"D
Holzmaden, Germany $18,000

Ichthyosaur 180MYA
Holzmaden, Germany
37"Hx 21"Wx 2"D $5000

Tortoise Thompsonii, Oligocene
Brule Formation, SD 65.5-23 MYA
9"Lx 8"Wx 5"D $800
Subhyracodon, Oligocene 65.5-23 MYA
Brule Formation, SD 17"Lx7"Wx6"D $900
Glossopteris, Permian 299-251 MYA
Australia 14.5"H x 12"Wx 2"D

Ammonite Cadoceras $400
Jurassic (Calovian)
166.31-163.5 MYA
Talkeetna Mts, Alaska 6"x 6.5"x 3"
Hematite (Morocco) 6"H x 9.5"W x 5"D $400

Fossil Leaves Chickaloon Formation, Alaska
Paleo-Eocene 55.5 MYA 10"H X 15"L X 1"D $450
Fossil Leaves Green River, Wyoming
11.5"H X 13.5"W X 3/8"D Eocene 50 MYA $400

Gigantopecten Restitutensis Lacoste Quarry, Vaucluse - France Miocene 12 MYA
Largest dimensions (irregular) 21" X 12" X 3" $1400

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Ammolite, red Front and back views South Dakota 11" X 9" X 1.5" Cretaceous Steel stand $1800

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Discoscaphites conradi
Hoploscaphites nicolletti Zone
Trail City Memberk Fox Hills Formation
Upper Maastrichtian, Late Cretaceous
South Dakota 3.5" X 3" X 2" $500
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